
12 December 2012

Happy Birthday to the Punk Glam Princess and a new friend!

Today is the Teen Ghoul aka Gwensday Addams' 13th birthday. No longer my little girl (although she will always be mum's little girl!) Mum is now officially a feeb (typical) even though I understand all the "new" music she listens to and even teach her a thing or two about the origins! No matter what she's our girl, and as I've always told her, she's our "prettiest star" (along with being both a super genius and a super genius creative -- yes I cover all bases!)

And because she's into Dub Step:

This is for our spooky little girl, Gwensday :

My new FB  friend  Dub Trance shares the day with the Punk Glam Princess so this goes out to both of them (what's better than My Little Pony?) Such a doll from what I've learned thus far, and they both deserve respect from the world that all too often makes things entirely too rough on those who think"outside the box". All my friends deserve respect for all we've lived though and triumphed over and I do hope this makes this easier for my "prettiest star" and all those who fall into that category. May you all get the respect you deserve!

12/12/12 is a very magickal day, and may all of you born on this day have all your fondest wishes come true in the coming year! Yeah I went a little overboard, but hey 13 is  BIGGIE! And I think we should  all get a little teenage fun today!



  1. Happy Birthday Gwennie! I'm sending you lots of good vibes and a big hug and kiss!! Have a fun day! xxoo
    Oh yeah and mom, love the videos! xo

  2. Happy Birthday Gwennie. Have a fun day. Sending you a big hug and kiss and lots of good vibes and wishes! xxoo

  3. You are a GEM!!! See you in cyberspace and thanks for the well wishes and the encouragement and entertainment you provide...thanks for the pony and to the lil Princess in your house, I send my hugs and best of wishes...all the glitter in the universe, and a wonderful birthday! xxx

  4. Happy Birthday to the Princess and Dub Trance! Saggies rool! xxxx

  5. Happy Birthday to princess.god bless you

    1. Thank you so much! I hope your holidaze were grand and the new year brings only the best to you! XXX


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