
29 November 2012

I Don't Wanna Grow Up

Today marks my 53rd birthday, and this is exactly how I feel:

Or The Ramones cover:

Either way, I don't wanna!!!



  1. Then you don't have to! Have a fantastic day! xxx

  2. Happy birthday! And growing up is totally unnecessary!

    1. Thank you! I agree, why do we need to be grown up? Bah! XXX

  3. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!! Hope you had a fantastic day and wishing you a KILLER YEAR OF FABULOUSNESS!!! Growing up is totally overrated.

    HUGS Sarah xxx

    1. Thank you so much Sarah, oh queen of the fantastic photos! (I bow down to your greatness!) Agreed, who the hell wants to be grown up? Only kids -- my daughter will be 13 in 10 days and thinks its like the best that ever happened to her (of course mum doesn't help -- I said I now have to teach her how to drive a manual transmission in case of the zombie apocalypse she may have to take over driving my car, who the hell will care about licenses when we're running for our lives?) I do hope the year is fantastic, same for you! XXX

  4. Happy Birthday!!! Great song, I always loved both the versions and never wanted to grow up either!!

    1. Thank you so much darling! I love both as well, although the Tom Waits version truly cracks me up (I need a red cape, have the horns and tail, as well as the different shoes!) Maybe we should start a club of all of us who don't want to grow up? XXX

  5. wow i can´t believe it! you have to tell me your secret to look that fabulous still ;) aaaaah and i love the ramones and that song is one of my favorites;)

    1. Mary Lou, you are too kind! The secret is to never grow up! Heehee! You're gorgeous too, and don't you forget it! The Ramones are always a fav, so funny that they are now considered "classic"! Oh and Tom Waits is on the Simpsons tonight! XXX


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