24 October 2009

Neighbohood Zombie Walk!

It should come as no surprise that Halloween is my all-time fav holiday. Such a fav that I chose it as our wedding day (PGK had absolutely no say in the matter!) This year in honour of our 19th Anniversary, I decided it might be fun to organize a the 1st Annual neighborhood zombie walk around our local neighborhood park. I made up posters to put around the neighborhood, and hope everyone will get into the Halloween spirit and attend! Unfortunately the poster won't load, but I basically added some silly graphics, invited all (no costumes required, only requirement was to walk like a zombie!)

Perhaps you can organize some Halloween Tricks and do something similar! I'd love to see pictures if you do! Please post links if you do take part in a zombie walk! I'm hoping it brings back the spook factor instead of the ridiculous slut factor Halloween has turned into! Traditionally Halloween is the time of year when the veil between the world of the living and the dead is very thin. If you wish you could contact loved ones long passed, you may be surprised! Hence the spook stories, and people dressing in outfits resembling those of their ancestors. The zombie walk injects a bit of fun and silliness into the holiday while still keeping with theme! If you happen to be in Westchester County, email me at punk.glam.queen@gmail if you'd like directions!

The past two years my neighbor who is also as crazy about Halloween as I, has joined forces with me so we can create a huge display. Last year people came from near and far to see our "Haunted Forest". Hopefully this year we can top ourselves! The plans are already in the works and I hope to have pics to show you after the event. If you have any great costume or Halloween decor pics, please let me know, I'm always into seeing what other people do to celebrate the holiday!

Happy Halloween, and start practicing that zombie walk!

*Please note that all graphics came courtesty of Magickal Graphics.


  1. Halloween is definitly the best Holiday!

  2. It sure is -- I hope yours is fantastically spooky! Thanks for stopping by!


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