
30 June 2011

Links à la Mode for 30 June 2011

Hey blogger. Get over yourself. Seriously.

Edited by Vahni of Grit & Glamour

This week I'm fresh out of love and rainbows, so there will be no kumbaya intro. Doesn't mean I don't love y'all, but I have got to tell you that lately, I'm a wee bit peeved by the fame-whoring and big-noting going on in the fashion blogosphere (and Twitterverse). Who of us doesn't want brand endorsements and blogging fame? We're all stars in our own right, and there is nothing wrong with ambition. But no one likes a self-absorbed, one-sided braggart. And no one likes an ass-kisser. Period.

Have you given props to someone other than yourself lately? Is every status update about hyping you? Is everything in your life now about the blog? As Emily of Ruby Slipper Journeys wonders in her post, are you capturing reality on your blog or manufacturing it? If any of this sounds like you, you might be on the road to becoming a full-blown fame monster. Maybe it's time to check yourself.

A Challenge

If you're destined for blogging fame, it will come through dedication, professionalism, and genuine respect. Through interaction, supporting your community, and authenticity. Let's take blogging back to its roots. This week's roundup is chock full of posts teeming with creativity, wit, and wisdom. I challenge you all to not only read and comment on at least 10 blog posts, but to share them as well. Find something that resonates with you and tweet it, like it, stumble it. All those hearts and thumbs up weren't made just for you.

Links à la Mode: June 30th

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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