19 February 2013

Jumble of Stuff

Last week I was pleasantly surprised by a beautiful Valentine's Day gift from my husband. He knows I not only love McQueen, but chartreuse is my favourite colour. Imagine the glee when a chartreuse tri-skull ring was my gift! Perfection! 

Showing off my lovely!
I've been dying for good crepes, somewhere along one of our moves I lost my good pan so haven't had luck making them (and they are so easy to make either sweet or savoury.) He found a local creperie that was casual but oh so delicious! Buckwheat crepes for supper, and my fav sucre, beurre, lemon for dessert. I cleaned each plate which is a first for me as I usually eat loads of small meals. And the dinner crepe was really packed! Definitely have to go back!

Also on Valentine's Day I re-did my hair pink. The pics don't show it too well, but the light parts are light pink. The only thing I dislike about light pink is that it fades so fast. I am quite in love with the darker pink "New Rose", and keep adding a little more each time the spirit moves me because it's so pretty!

Valentines Day, hair colour didn't show that well though. Tried to show that I did my nails to match my ring!
 I also tried my hand again at the no-time bread I wrote about last week. Better luck this time, but I still must be doing something wrong as the crust is just too hard. It was perfect for breaking up into the vegetarian vegetable soup I made though!

No-Time Bread and Homemade Vegetarian Vegetable Soup.

Lastly, kitteh pics. You buy these kids all kinds of toys and what amuses them most? A box with tissue paper. Kids today!

A very content Calliope!

Wha? Its comfy mum!
Linking up to Lakota's Taa Daa Tuesday: http://faithhopeandcharityshopping.blogspot.com/


PS for those interested, the werewolf hat came out looking too wonky, like its ears were the wrong size. So I took them off and have a happily toasty warm hat! 

14 February 2013

Valentine's Day Our Way

Here are Valentine greetings for all my fav ghouls...

For Gwensday:

The rest are for Mon amour:

Dinner tonight will be a new crepe restaurant. Been dying for good crepes, lost my pan somewhere during one of our moves. My husband asked if there was a dress code & they said "we don't care if you show up in a shower curtain!" Hmm not into shower curtains (too cold this time of year) but thinking up another wacky outfit to freak out the patrons might be kinda fun! Wish me luck... hey maybe Morticia and Gomez? (Dark glasses of course, we don't want to sign autographs hahaha!)

Love to all, and be sure to treat yourselves well. If you don't, no one else will!

Santa Muerte Unoffical Saint of Mexico

Recently while talking "shop" with mi corazon Dama, I ran across a kindle book on Amazon. I love reading about different cultures folk traditions and magic, and this one intrigued me as I  had never heard of the book. So for $2.99 I sprang for it. And I read it in one sitting it was so fascinating! Best $2.99 spent!

The book title is "Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial Saint of Mexico" by Sophia diGregorio

Without ruining the book for those who may be interested in reading it, I will give a short breakdown. Loads of history, stories of her helping those in need, how to work with her, novenas to her, magic, altars, you name it. It also goes into how she became a patron of criminals who think they are above the wrath of the Gods, but wind up getting quite a surprise instead! The media misinformation also helped give her a bad name. I love that this book sets the facts straight for those with good intentions.

Santa Muerte sounds like a scary name, but I assure you even with the depiction of her with scythe, she is quite merciful and helps those who need it most, meting out justice when needed. You can find prayer cards of her wearing different colours, and the colours represent what energy you wish her to work with you.

We all have dark and light sides to us and many choose to deny the dark, never fully becoming a fully integrated individual. She has both.

Here are a few images I found via google images:

As you can see here are the different colours associated with her.

I highly recommend this book if you're like me, a lover of different cultures, their traditions, and folk magic practices. It can be found on Amazon here: Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial Saint of Mexico by Sophia diGregorio

I hope this was as interesting for you as it was for me!

Linking with Lakota's Taa Daa Tuesday! http://faithhopeandcharityshopping.blogspot.com


05 February 2013

Werewolf ('there wolf') Hat & other Ta Dah's

Its brrr out there, and with a kid sized head, my best bet is to knit my own hats. Luckily I love to knit, and even got some designs in books & films during the '80's so I guess I'm pretty good. The main problem I had with this "Werewolf" ('there wolf', sorry can't help the Young Frankenstein reference, its ingrained in my head) is that I had a weird :snap: in my wrist (the one that most recently had neuropathy) so it was frustrating to try & knit with a brace, and not be able to knit in my normal speed knitting style. But I ploughed through & it was done in no time! If you follow me on FB you saw my comments on trying to get the ears stiff (use your dirty imagination.) Just finished the second ear, and have them pinned, but now I'm not sure I like it as I've been wearing the super warm hat without (double layer bulky wool, heaven!)! So here you have my first Ta Dah!
Yes, I'm lazy today & not in the mood to do any "staging". Deal with it!

On Sunday we went to see the Rolling Stones 50 exhibit -- nothing like waiting until the last minute, it was the last day! So for my Keef friends here I am with young Keith! (don't do a close up, I had a nasty migraine & my face is all scrunched up making me look like an old hag (well older of a hag than I already am!)

And of course we couldn't leave out older Keith, still rocking like a madman! 
Got home & within one hour had made homemade vegetarian pea soup & homemade  "No-Time Bread" I' halved the recipe as I didn't want to be tempted to eat the rest myself, and it came out "meh". The crust was entirely too hard, and the interior was VERY dense. Good for soup though. I still have half in the fridge so maybe I'll try try again. It did look pretty though!
Last is that I FINALLY found a fabulous optical shop that took their time and found contacts I can wear without sacrificing either distance or reading. For those of you who wear multi-focal lens, when you get contacts, one goes. Years ago I tried and I had to take them out every time I wanted to see distance. My distance is actually quite good, its the reading part that gives me a hard time. These guys were so patient and got my vision to 20/25 which I consider miraculous as my natural vision is 20/100! I can see! YAY! After the last bout of dozing off with glasses on, getting a swollen nose, bruised and cut cheek I'd had enough. And I'm so glad I finally tried again... although I will admit eyeglasses do hide a multitude of sins! Oh well just have to be craftier with the makeup!

Connecting up to Lakota's Ta Dah! Tuesday: http://faithhopeandcharityshopping.blogspot.com/2013/02/ta-dah-tuesday-polar-bear-biscuits.html
So what has everyone else been up to?
PS the Werewolf hat pattern is from "Vampire Knits" by Genevieve Miller
